"A small group of determined, like-minded people can change the world forever" - Mahatma Gandhi


Well OK, that's a little dramatic, it's only running and stuff. But working with inspirational and forward thinking companies is my favourite thing to to. These are the people I love.........and I think they love me.....


I am over the moon to have been asked to be an ambassador for the biggest running expo in Europe. Taking place at the Birmingham NEC on the 19-20 January 2019, the NRS is an physical encyclopaedia of running stands, stalls and talks. Everyone that is anyone in running will be there to give advice and provide support and inspiration to over 20,000 runners across the weekend. I will be running the BBR stand, acting as roving reporter (hang on to your hats, kids) as well as doing a talk about endurance running and mental health. Hit the image to get your ticket, and use the code FYB to make that ticket magically free!


I talked and they listened. I am extremely proud to be an ambassador for Rat Race in 2018, and will be attending pretty much all their events, doing all the running and talking to all the people. Rat Race is the UK’s largest and most respected adventure event operator, having catered to over a million customers in nearly 15 years of operation. They offer the largest selection of adventure challenges in the UK - from ultras to multi-day cycle/run events to running across frozen lakes in Mongolia (did I tell you I did that?) and beyond. This is running and adventure at the toppermost level. My mission is to get out there on the recees, get out there on the runs, and encourage others, especially women, to do the same. I'm also going to help them design their female kit range. Woman Vs Lakes anyone? (Disclaimer: There is no way on earth I will touch a bike).


I have been running with WSR for about 3 years now, so this is a natural fit and I couldn’t be happier. Their events are second to none and their medals are fucking awesome. With their mantra of “Keep Running Rural” this company are one of the best in the country for super challenging but achievable trail marathons and ultras. This year I will be spreading the word to the world about why every single person should do a WSR event. Lovestations, brilliant atmosphere, beautiful routes, an ace RD (big up yourself Andy Palmer) and wonderful people - this is the blueprint for what small race companies should be all about. Now where’s that cider?


What can I say about BBR? Probably the best running community on the internet and podcastnet, we don’t take things that seriously. Running should be fun, so why aren’t podcasts? Founded by David Hellard - super fast running prodigy, winner of the Somaliland marathon and Caffeine Bullet pusher, and Jody Raynsford - super slow whinging ultra runner and cyclist hater, the BBR podcast has gone from strength to strength and is a brilliantly funny, irreverent take on runners and their communities. But we also have brilliant guests. From world record holder Camille Herron to super adventurer Sean Conway and everything in between, I’ve stepped in to help them do the talky thing which is great for me, not so good for you listener. Do a subscribe, yeah?