OK. You’re here. Let’s fucking do this.

A lot of people start emails to me saying they don’t think they need a coach, that they’re not good enough for a coach or that they feel like they have to be ready for one. Lesson number one - that’s fear talking. Your brain doesn’t like it when you decided enough is enough and you ask for help. You will never feel ready. The fact is, you’re ready now.

I’m not like other coaches

I care about people, not times or placings. If you want a sub 24 hour 100 mile time or to win a race, you need to go somewhere else I’m afraid. I do people, not placings.

What I do is based primarily in mindset and self-talk. Mindset is, indeed, everything and runners tend to have some pretty fucked up feelings about themselves - whether that’s not being good enough, fit enough, fast enough. What actually IS a good runner? Fast runners can still be absolute pricks. This is about being your best self and doing things in a helpful and successful way for you - not anybody else. Once you untangle the mess that is your brain, anything is possible. I’ll write you a plan to get you where you want to be both physucally and mentally, but its mentally where the work is the hardest.

Trial and error is very underrated as a learning technique. All the stuff I know isn’t stuff that I learnt on a course or through my therapist. It is something I learnt through experience - both good and bad - and working super hard on myself. I’ve read, researched and tested stuff on myself and others and whilst this may sound like the rantings of a mad woman, everything I teach is deeply rooted in science. As well as the actual running I set out in your plan, there is a lot of homework to do - reading, journalling and excercise’s to help re-wire and strengthen your brain. Don’t underestimate how hard this stuff is. Whoever invented “Believe - Achieve” was lying. You need to believe, do a fuck tonne of work on yourself, then achieve. I can help you with that.

Shall we begin?

What the fuck is an Endurance and mindset Coach?

I think it is what best describes what I do. I can help you run really, really far and possibly enjoy it a bit, and definitely change your life.

I’m not going to write you a full on carbs by the gram nutrition and session plan, or make you faster. You might GET faster as a result and you will definitely eat better, but I am not interested in fast or first. I am interested in complete, not compete. I want to get you ready to get to the end of that first mega distance and hopefully take you beyond that. I want to help you stop the never ending roll of not finishing and also be able to cope if you don’t finish. I want you to understand how to harness all the epicness that already lives inside you and use it to be able to run really, really far. I want to do it in a safe, steady, all encompassing and holistic way.

Of course I am going to teach you about food, kit, pacing, crewing, event choices, running, hills, how not to shit yourself and what shoes to wear. But I am also going to be your friend. We’re going to have some pretty honest conversations about where you’re at in life and I am going to make this work FOR YOU. The biggest obstacle in your way is YOU. I get that. I have been you. And I can help sort it out.

There is no one size fits all when it comes to training for an Ultra, despite what Runners World might tell you (other publications are also available to feed you a load of very confusing and borderline dangerous information). You are an individual, and if you’re reading this, probably quite a special one. You deserve a plan that works for you. And you’re going to take so much from it. The books I recommend you read, the shows I tell you to watch and the podcasts I get you to download are just as important as the weekly mileage I set you in the plan and the zoom chats we have in the week. If you’re not in the mental space to be able to do that weeks part of the plan we do something else.

Planning to run an ultra is a holistic process. You need to look at the why’s. You need to look at purpose. Why do you want to do this? Why have you chosen that distance? Why now? I see you, as a client, as a whole person. Your mental health, your family life, the time you have to train, the job you do, the trauma life has thrown at you. All of this REALLY matters when it comes to changing the way you think about yourself and your abilities. You will need to be brutally honest with me if you’re going to make the changes that allow you to be Ultra Awesome. If that sounds like something you would like to discuss then get in touch here.

So what do you actually do then?

People come to me and ask if I can coach them. I don’t say yes straight away. You get in touch with a bit of background and if I think it could work I schedule a zoom where we have a chat (which is totally free). Sometimes I won’t be the person you need. If I’m not, I can recommend someone that can help. If I am, we take it from there and run headlong to the finish line of the event of your dreams. I only take on a client if I 100% believe that I will have a big shiny positive impact on their running and hopefully their life.

The best bits of what I do are the moments of personal glory that my clients experience. Whether that is learning to eat half a pizza whilst running or competing their first ultra distance, I just want to see people thrive. People coming through their first marathon or ultra, citing my advice support and planning and their new found self belief as a big part of the reason they got there is my jam. That’s the clincher for me. Those moments make me feel more proud than I ever did when I worked in music. I am not a trained coach or mental health expert. I have no qualifications at all when it comes to this stuff. But I have a fuck ton of experience, I have been through some utter shitshows both event, life and mental health wise and I’m still here. Whatever I’m doing to try and help people, I seem to be doing it right. There are some nice things people have said about me hidden here because I’m a bit embarrassed about it. I’m working on that.

This sounds “quite good”. How do I get involved?

There is (thank God) only one of me and I have limited capacity, so I will only ever take on coaching clients when I have the time and space to give them every bit of support they need. You will never find more than 20 names on my books at any one time. As I said previously, I don’t just say yes to people. We have a chat first and I will only agree to work with you if I know I can help you. I want this to work just as much (if not more!) than you do. Spoiler: I don’t work with dickheads.

How does coaching work?

It all depends what you need. I have three levels of coaching for you to choose from. They are the Basics (currently full), Basic Plus and the Complete Package

All levels include:

  • A preliminary chat to set goals and understand where you’re at in life at the moment

  • A training plan (revised every three months based on your goals and progress)

  • Nutrition and kit advice and support

  • A mindset overhaul and continued self-development training (confidence training, mental training, self belief training)

  • One to one zoom chats once or twice a week ( 30 mins, plan dependant)

  • One to one WhatsApp support (plan dependant)

  • Exclusive discounts from some of my partners

  • The opportunity to meet up and do some actual running in real life.

The amount of time I can dedicate to you depends on the level of support you decide you need. Coaching costs start at £150 per month for the most basic level (currently full) £200 for basics plus and £250 for the complete package. All coaching programmes are run on a three month minimum rotation and all have very limited spots. I need you to commit to at least three months coaching or we simply won’t get anywhere. I don’t have a magic book I can send you and I can’t make you a 100 mile finisher in a month. For more details hit the button below!

One DAY ONe-to-ONe workshops

One to one workshops tailored just for you and nobody else. In the words of Vanilla Ice, ‘if you got a problem, yo’ I’ll solve it.

These workshops are perfect for people who have an idea of what they would like to achieve or change but have no idea where to start. If you feel like you are ‘lost’ or bombarded with info and general bullshit chat, or if you just feel like you need a massive kick up the arse and someone to help you make a plan, this is the thing for you. These workshops are for everyone. From people who have never run a step to marathon runners stuck in a rut wondering how the hell to get to 100KM and beyond. They are focused around physical prep, mental prep and focused intention setting as well as the practical stuff.

The workshops are one-to-one and take place at my house/office in Yorkshire. I only take one person at a time, but do offer a discounted couples rate for erm… couples, or people that run together a lot. For a bit extra I can come to you.

It’s a full on day, starting at 10am and finishing at 4pm and involves lots of coffee, cake, planning and talking, a run out on the worlds most beautiful nature reserve, lunch and then an afternoon’s solid planning to help you move forward. It might get deep, it might get uncomfortable in places, but I guarantee you will come away feeling super inspired, educated, calm and serene with a huge reading list and ready to take the next step to being Ultra Awesome.

For more information on the one day workshops please hit the button below or email me here.

Please note WORKSHOP places are VERY limited

I JUST can’t afford it at the moment. Is there any other way I can get a bit of advice and support?

Yaaaas queen! Of course there is! The Facebook group lives on as somewhere people can visit whenever they want (for free) to find their tribe. I love that group and the fact every single member does their best to support the rest of the group in their adventures. It’s a pretty ace place to be. So join up and introduce yourself. Every month I set a new challenge for members and you can either take part or not - but the more you put into the group the more you get out. If you feel like it’s really helping you then please sign up to the Patreon page and donate a bit each month. Every little helps and it’s an entirely voluntary contribution. You. Are. Welcome.

I want Ultra Awesome to be the go to place for anyone who has ever felt afraid, scared or frustrated about their running or about themselves.

This is for everyone. people considering taking up running, people who want to do something that right now seems impossible. It’s for people who want to take on adventures and push boundaries and people who are looking for mentors, collaborators, inspiration, advice or just a kick up the arse every now and again. This is for the practical dreamers.

I’m here for anyone who has ever doubted how awesome they actually are. ultra awesome aims to tap into the strength and power found in this amazing community we call runners and harness it. I want everyone to own a slice of a life less ordinary. I want everyone to see they have more in them.

Ultra Awesome can and will help you do that.
— Me. I wrote that.